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Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralAll TRANSFORuM results out now in four different formats.


TRANSFORuM outputs overview tableTRANSFORuM outputs overview tableWe are proud to present the main project outputs in a whole range of formats. [Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralTRANSFORuM releases summary versions of all key outputs.


For our time-pressed audience we summarised our key findings and conclusions in a series of summary documents. [Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralTRANSFORuM provides input to European Parliament hearing.


The TRAN Committee of the European Parliament invited TRANSFORuM for input to the hearing: "WHITE PAPER ON TRANSPORT: taking stock and the way forward towards sustainable mobility."[Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralRelease of 5th and final TRANSFORuM newsletter.


We have just released our last newsletter with information about TRANSFORuM's key outputs.[Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralRevised Roadmaps released!


Thanks to the generous constructive feedback at the TRANSFORuM conference in Brussels on 8 December 2014 we were able to revise and update our four Roadmaps. [Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralAll main TRANSFORuM final deliverables publicly available.


Roadmaps, Recommendations and Strategic Outlook are now available![Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralTRANSFORuM Roadmaps have been released!


Our team has been working for almost two years to consult with experts, practitioners, policy makers etc. in the field of transport, to develop four "stakeholder-driven" roadmaps towards the implementation of the White Paper on Transport.[Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralInformation about strike on 8 December available.


With some robust advance planning it should be possible to circumvent the effects of the strike that has been announced for the Brussels region for 8 December - right the day of our final conference. [Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralThe TRANSFORuM Video released.


Take the time (2:35 minutes) to see and hear the essence about the TRANSFORuM project and our forthcoming conference. [Leer más]

GeneralUrban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITS4th Newsletter released.


Our latest newsletter features updates of our recent four stakeholder events, details about our big event on 8 December, about our draft roadmaps and an interview with José Viegas, Secretary General of the International Transport Forum. [Leer más]



The European Commission specified a vision for MIMPS in its Transport White Paper. We listened to stakeholders to gather ideas how this could be reached. Take a look at (and comment) on the draft roadmap. For the hasty reader: Check out some key conclusions. [Leer más]

GeneralUrban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSTRANSFORuM draft roadmaps released for pre-review.


Sample image from roadmapThe "stakeholder-driven" roadmaps TRANSFORuM has been working towards in the last 20 months are now available as drafts. Everyone is welcome to comment until October 5.[Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralTRANSFORuM's ITF results now available.


The results of our "sticker game" and "budget allocation game" from the International Transport Forum in Leipzig (May 2014) are now available in a separate event section of our website.[Leer más]

GeneralITS9 external stakeholders gathered in Tallinn to discuss the implementation of the Transport White Paper.


The TRANSFORuM stakeholder group in the city center of TallinnThe second TRANSFORuM workshop on Multimodal Information, Management and Payment systems took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on May 20 and 21. [Leer más]

Urban MobilityFreightHighspeed RailITSGeneralThematic Workshops for Spring 2014 now confirmed


A 2nd series of thematic workshops will be organised for the spring of 2014. The purpose of these events is to consolidate the 2.0 draft version of the roadmaps. [Leer más]