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Urban MobilityUrban Transport stakeholders convene in Gdansk, Poland

18.06.2013  ǀ  Henrik Gudmundsson

The TRANSFORuM project will see its first gathering of key European urban transport stakeholders and experts in Gdansk, Poland on June 24-25. At the 2-day workshop the participants will take first steps towards charting a realistic roadmap to fulfill the urban transport...[więcej]

GeneralDirector-General Matthias Ruete endorses TRANSFORuM


Rupprecht Consult, who co-ordinates the TRANSFORuM project, welcomes this high level endorsement very much.[więcej]

FreightThe results and outlook of the marco polo programme


On May 14th 2013 the European Commission adopted a Communication on the Marco Polo Programme (2003-2013).[więcej]

General1st Joint Forum Meeting in Gdansk well under way!

01.05.2013  ǀ  Admin

At the end of June 2013 TRANSFORuM will hold the first “Joint Forum Meeting”. Around 50 stakeholders covering the whole spectrum of actors related to our four White Paper goals ...[więcej]

GeneralTRANSFORuM Advisory Board almost complete!

29.04.2013  ǀ  Ralf Brand

The TRANSFORuM Advisory Board is currently in the process of being formed and finalized and will consist of nominated senior project supervisors and external advisors ...[więcej]